Gundam 0079 (First series)

Brief outline of Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam (1979), created by Yoshiyuki Tomino, is a groundbreaking mecha anime series set in the Universal Century, amidst the One Year War between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. The story follows Amuro Ray, a teenage civilian pilot who accidentally becomes the pilot of the Earth Federation's advanced prototype mobile suit, the RX-78-2 Gundam. As the war escalates, Amuro joins the crew of the Federation warship White Base, captained by the young but capable Bright Noa. Gundam's main antagonist is Char Aznable, a skilled Zeon pilot known as the "Red Comet," who pilots the red Zaku II and later the Zeong mobile suits. The series explores themes of war, politics, and the human cost of conflict. 

Aesthetic and designs to look out for

Mobile Suit Gundam's iconic designs and innovative storytelling laid the foundation for the Gundam franchise, which continues to be a significant influence in the mecha genre.

As such, kits that represent the original Gundam and Zaku are dime a dozen while, as years passed, others have joined them. Some of the kits we would highlight as being a great representation of this series, in order of complexity and affordability, would be:

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