4573102642318 (Ref. code)

4573102642318 (CODE128)


+232 Points
21.00% VAT included
Dimensions: 600 x 400 x 270 millimeters
Weight: 5000 grams

The PG GP01 model kit is a meticulously detailed and articulated 1/60 scale plastic model kit representing the iconic RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" from the classic anime series Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory

The GP01 is piloted by the series' protagonist, Kou Uraki, a talented but inexperienced Earth Federation pilot. The mobile suit plays a crucial role in the plot as it takes part in numerous battles against the renegade Zeon forces during the One Year War aftermath.

One of the most notable features of this model kit is its exceptional articulation and engineering, allowing for a wide range of dynamic poses. The kit comes with multiple hand options, including open palms, fists, and weapon-holding hands, enabling you to recreate various action scenes from the anime. The Core Block System, which houses the Core Fighter, is another highlight of this kit. The Core Fighter can be transformed and integrated into the Gundam's torso, adding an extra layer of complexity and playability to the model.

The kit's standout gimmicks include a working cockpit hatch that opens to reveal the pilot figure and the movable armor panels on the legs, arms, and shoulders. These panels expose the inner frame and mechanical details, showcasing the intricate engineering that goes into creating a mobile suit.

Another highlight of this kit is the inner frame, which showcases the advanced engineering and detail that went into creating the Gundam GP01. The frame is highly articulated, allowing for impressive poseability and providing a solid foundation for the armor parts. Additionally, the kit's color separation is excellent, requiring minimal painting to achieve an accurate representation of the mobile suit from the anime and it is also one of the highest part count model kits ever created.

The weapons and accessories that come with the kit are plentiful, featuring the iconic beam rifle, a 90mm machine gun, a beam saber, a shield, and a custom stand for displaying the GP01 in various aerial poses. All weapons can be held or mounted on the model, allowing for a variety of combat scenarios to be recreated.

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