Gundam WING

A brief outline of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing is a 49-episode anime series set in the After Colony (A.C.) timeline, where Earth and its space colonies are engaged in a constant power struggle. The story follows five young pilots, each sent from different colonies, who are tasked with using their advanced Gundams to wage a guerrilla war against the oppressive United Earth Sphere Alliance and the secretive Organization of the Zodiac (OZ).

The main protagonist, Heero Yuy, is a skilled and stoic pilot who operates the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam, a versatile mobile suit equipped with powerful beam weaponry and the ability to transform into a high-speed aircraft mode. The other four pilots are Duo Maxwell, who pilots the stealthy and agile XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe; Trowa Barton, who controls the heavily armed XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms; Quatre Raberba Winner, who commands the strategic and resourceful XXXG-01SR Gundam Sandrock; and Chang Wufei, who pilots the melee-focused XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam.

Throughout the series, the pilots are forced to confront their own beliefs and motivations, often forming alliances or rivalries with various factions and characters, such as the enigmatic Zechs Merquise, an ace pilot who dons a mask and becomes Heero's primary rival. Zechs pilots the OZ-00MS Tallgeese and later the formidable OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon, which boasts exceptional close-combat capabilities.

Gundam Wing also features a range of other mobile suits and factions, including the mass-produced OZ-06MS Leo and OZ-12SMS Taurus used by OZ forces.

The series explores themes of war, peace, individuality, and the nature of humanity in the face of conflict. 

Aesthetics and kits to look out for

Each Gundam featured in Wing portrays the personality of its pilot, with each resembling creatures, either real or mythological, drawn with sharp lines, angular shapes and extremely bold colours.

Some of the kits to look out for, sorted by affordability and complexity, are:

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