4573102654205 (Ref. code)

4573102654205 (EAN-13)

MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100

MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100
MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100
MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100
MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100
MACROSS HG - 02 YF-29 DURANDAL VALKYRIE (Alto Saotome use) 1/100
Status: NEWIN STOCK Delivery in 24/48 hours
+60 Points
21.00% VAT included

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Dimensions: 303 x 193 x 100 millimeters
Weight: 500 grams

Originating in Macross Frontier and piloted by Alto Saotome, the YF-29 Durandal itself is a variable fighter, originally developed to counter the cosmic entities known as the Vajra.

The YF-29 Durandal, designed by Kawamori Shōji based on the VF-25. The model closely replicates the CG model from the anime in all three forms (Fighter, Gerwalk, and Battroid) and features a quick change parts-forming mechanism for accurate proportions. It stands out with its forward-swept wings, similar to the YF-19 and VF-9, and includes additional twin MDE beam cannons under the fuselage, which can be rotated and pulled up. 

Certain parts, such as sensor, cockpit and fold quartz are metallic clear parts while others come with the appropiate colour-correction stickers.
The articulation on the model is not handicapped at all by the transformation gimmicks, with the Battroid Mode being the most articulate of all three. Double joints are installed on the shoulders while the chest features a joint to enable movement in all directions. This also applies to the thrusters, which are swivel-enabled  and the cockpit, which can be opened and closed.
The hatches on both legs and shoulders can be opened to showcase the missiles underneath.


  • Heavy Quantum Beam Gunpod x1
  • High-speed Machine Guns x2
  • Twin MDE Beam Cannon x1
  • Heavy Armoured Shield x1
  • Assault Knife x1
  • Micro-missile launchers x12
  • 1/144 Alto Saotome miniature x1


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