MW-SP3-600 (Ref. code)
Files and sandpaper are basic tools for any modeller who wants to have their model kits to be a step higher. MADWORKS offer us 2 possible options for this sandpaper: sponge and adhesive. For general use, where the surface is not totally even or there is no need to make a hard sanding, (no hardlines or hard planes) the sponge will be a great choice. It is small enough to be easily handled, it has some thickness so you can apply pressure and distribute it in a wider area evenly.
There are different thicknesses: sponges of 2mm, 3mm, and 5mm. In case you need them to be thicker, you can always use a double sided tape and tape 2 together, resulting in new thickness combinations as 4mm (2+2), 6mm (3+3), 7mm (2+5), 8mm (3+5) and 10mm (5+5).
There are tons of guides or videos in youtube showing you how to use sandpaper so you can ask ?Google-sama?. There are many techniques and we wouldn?t dare to claim that there is one better than another. But as a general rule ?
To take off the imperfections, the nubs, and paint later on then we will suggest you go 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 always that you can with circular movements.
In case we want to leave it as it is, and you want to have a smooth reflective finish then you will have to go 400- 600 - 800 - 1000 - 1500 - 3000 at least and use the back of the sponge to get the shiny effect.
MADWORKS- a Taiwanese company founded in 2015 by a group of modellers aiming for researching and developing new tools that helped them in their hobby. Right now they are well known in ASIA for their good quality and affordable tools. Also they are working on Garage Kits (GKs) that will make your kits look even better!